Friday, November 15, 2013

Attitude is Everything

Suffering is a part of life, it's unavoidable.  I, personally, believe "suffering" varies from person to person and what one person might deem "suffering," someone else may think is not.  Certainly, as we look back through history, there are many events in the world that most of us would label suffering: the Holocaust, slavery, Apartheid, war, the list goes on.  However, something happened last night that will forever change my attitude towards suffering.

John and I are part of a LifeGroup through our church.  It's basically a small group Bible Study that meets weekly.  We do life together, support each other in need and celebrate life together.  Last night during our study, the subject of suffering came up.  A male member of our group stated that he's never really felt like he's suffered much and that he's had a pretty good life.  Most of us in the group were surprised by his words and I finally spoke up and told him I was amazed by his response.  Let me fill you in a little bit about this man that will explain our surprise by his words.  He was born with a genetic disease that caused his legs to be twisted and unfunctionable.  At a very young age, both of his legs had to be amputated and he now walks with two prosthetic legs.  He and his wife had much trouble conceiving a child and through IVF, had a son five years ago.  Their son was born with the same genetic disease and in his five short years has had both legs amputated, open heart surgery and numerous other surgeries.  There were several times they nearly lost their son.  They have also been trying to adopt a child for several years.  Just two weeks ago, a young woman chose them to adopt her newborn daughter, but then changed her mind a few days after the baby was born.  From my point of view, this man has experienced some suffering in his life, but there he was, feeling blessed with a good life and with a firm belief that he has not suffered!

Someone else in our group spoke up and pointed out that his positive attitude is what keeps this man from suffering.  This man's life is a beautiful picture of how God can transform our hearts and minds to a positive attitude.  He certainly has a lot he could complain about, but he doesn't, instead his attitude is of goodness and gratefulness.  Truly, his attitude is everything!  He doesn't dwell on what he's lost or doesn't have, instead he focuses on all the good God has done in his life and counts it all as blessings.

The Apostle Paul is also a great example of attitude.  Paul certainly experienced a lot of suffering by the world's standards.  In 2 Corinthians, Paul lists many of the hardships he experienced: stoning, imprisonment, ship wrecked and so much more.  Yet, instead of complaining, he boasts in the name of the Lord for God has carried him through and used those circumstances to show the power of God's love. 

I, for one, have changed my attitude about suffering.  It's all in the attitude.  I can choose to "suffer" or I can chose to be grateful.  I choose gratefulness!