It is with great joy that I announce that Kiley's State Float project is DONE (at least the hardest part of it, we still have to construct the base)! Wow, it's been a rough week with hours of sitting with Kiley on the computer researching everything Pennsylvania, searching for pictures, cutting, gluing... Finally, last night at 10:15 I told Kiley to go to bed. She had it all laid out, it just had to be all glued together. One whole hour later, with everyone in the house asleep, I glued on the last peace and celebrated it's completion by myself. What relief I felt as I climbed into bed. This seems so sacrilegious, but the words came to my mind, "It is finished." So, it's not the crucifixion of Christ, not even minutely comparable, but the words went through my mind none the less. Now I can rest....until this evening when we have to figure out how to cushion an egg so it won't break when dropped from the roof of the school for the 3rd grade Egg Drop tomorrow.
The Truth About "That" Boy
14 years ago
Turned out nice... I think that's worthy of an "A"