My heart leaps for joy every time I see people give their lives to the Lord as I know that they have ultimately saved their lives. I will spend eternity with them with our Heavenly Father. As all Christian parents desire, I want nothing more than for my daughters to give their lives to the Lord and know that their salvation is secured and any separation I might have from them will only be temporary. It's been my constant prayer that the girls would make this decision on their own, without my "pushing" them into it. I've known for a long time that they know Jesus, but my heart's desire has been for them to have a relationship with Jesus. So, I've prayed and taught them the LOVE of Christ and waited patiently.
My waiting came to an end a couple of weeks ago when Makenna made the decision to give her life to Christ at CCV's Vacation Bible School. I rejoiced with her and celebrated the best decision she could ever make. Several days later, we were in the pool when she told me she wanted to take the next step of obedience to Christ and be baptized. As we discussed this, Kiley asked me to pray with her. She, too, wanted to give her life to the Lord and pray the prayer of salvation. Right there, on the step in the pool, we joined hands and secured her salvation too! The girls decided to be baptized together, so I acted swiftly and contacted one of the Children's Pastors at CCV. The next day, the girls were in her office as I patiently waited outside the door. Pastor Dawn and Pastor Roy wanted to make sure the girls understood the decisions they had made and that they made their decisions freely and without persuasion.
Several days later, during one of the morning Worship Services, there we were, as a family, baptizing our daughters. John and I were each able to "dunk our daughters" as they buried their former lives and rose to a new life in Christ. I imagine that the rejoicing in my heart was echoed in Heaven as all the saints rejoiced with us. Two more lives for the Lord.
As parents, we know our jobs aren't over. God calls us to continue on the path of nurturing their relationships with the Lord and guiding them through their Spiritual journey. We praise God for the gift He gave us by entrusting us with His children and now we praise Him for the good work He has done and continues to do in their lives. It's with amazing joy that we celebrate their salvation!
The Truth About "That" Boy
14 years ago
I am so glad I got to be there to witness their baptism. You are such an amazing Mom and I am proud to be your friend!