Sunday, June 7, 2009

Floating Through Pennsylvania

The long anticipated State Float Parade had finally arrived. This float was the final stage of the earlier posted State Poster project. Each student had to make a small float of their selected state that represents everything about that state. As you may remember, (if you read my blog regularly) Kiley's state was Pennsylvania. Kiley and I did a lot of planning on what we thought should be included on the float, the materials we would need and how to make everything "stick" together. The school instruction sheet suggested using old laundry soap boxes, but Kiley wanted to use a lot of "3-D" objects on her float, which would require using many toothpicks. We decided foam would be best and we wrapped it in paper to prevent it from "shedding" everywhere. We had to be very creative, as the instructions were clear that everything on the float had to be homemade. We weren't permitted to use any plastic figurines or little toy figures. We used toothpicks, tinfoil, tons of paper, glitter glue, tissue paper, string and much more, and finally the float was complete. The project was due on a Tuesday, with judging taking place that evening by a selected group of teachers. The students would find out if they earned any ribbons the next day before the parade. Ribbons were given out for 1st-3rd place in several categories, including "best state advertisement," "best use of color," "most creative" and "best overall." For the "Parade of Floats," all the 5th graders, about 100 of them, lined the walkway of the school and students and parents got to walk down the line of floats to view them all and see which floats earned ribbons. Kiley was very hopeful that she would receive a ribbon. I had made my way about 3/4 the way down the float path when I finally arrived at Kiley's float and her beaming smile. From behind her back, her hand popped up into the air sporting her 3rd place finish for "best advertisement." She had such a look of pride on her face that I'll never forget. After a difficult year of lots of homework, tons of tests, much harder work and changes in friends, Kiley finally reached her proudest moment of the entire school year! Way to go Kiley!

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