Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Never Ending Day

Wow, what a day! It's after midnight and I'm finally crawling into bed. It was a typical crazy morning of getting the girls fed breakfast, lunches packed, homework checked and out the door to school. The 3 Coombs boys along with their neighbor arrived at our house where K and M and 2 other girls that get dropped off at our house in the morning gather to walk to school. They pick up another boy 2 houses away from us and then the 9 of them walk the remaining 4 houses to school. This is the same crazy routine we follow every morning, but we have it perfectly mastered and it works! I then had time for a quick shower before meeting a friend for tea and bagels. I made it home just a few minutes before the notary arrived at our house to sign some documents. As soon as he left, John was off to work and I hit the sewing machine to sew on all of K's new patches to her Jr. Girl Scout vest. I finished with 30 seconds to spare before I had to head up to the school to make popcorn for the popcorn booth to raise money for Science Camp (this is another regular Friday routine). After 2 hours of setting up, selling and cleaning up the popcorn booth, I was home for a few minutes to finally eat a sandwich for lunch (at 3:45) before heading back out the door to go to the bank and make swim team deposits. From there, I headed down the street of the village to meet up with Kiley and her G.S. Troop selling cookies in front of Starbucks. I helped there for about an hour before heading across the street for the kids along with a friend and her kids to feed the kids pizza. With the kids fed and exhaustion beginning to take its toll on me, I headed home to work on the laundry I had started in the morning for 30 minutes before K's friend and her mom to arrive for the girls to swim and "us moms" share the craziness we call life. After changing the propane tank twice on the patio heater (don't ask) we finally got to sit down and enjoy some hot chocolate and Baileys. After my friend left, leaving her daughter to spend the night, I began the process of making sure they all showered and had an evening snack. We had multiple discussions on where they should sleep and finally all agreed to sleeping bags on the living room floor. With the kids down, I grabbed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before starting my regular Friday routine of cleaning all 3 bathrooms. By then it was 11pm and all I had left was some laundry to fold and clean sheets to put on my bed. Now it's 1am, I'm wiped out and anxious for John to arrive home from work in the next hour or so. Whew.....what a day!!!

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