I'm getting ready to fly out to Ohio to visit my cousins and I started thinking about all that has changed in my life since I saw them last, 1 1/2 years ago. At that time life was "OK" just average. It was summer and the girls were off school, nothing spectacular was going on in our lives. Spiritually, we weren't growing a lot and didn't even realize that we had become stagnant with both life and our walks with God. I was working "part time" for the church and seemed to be more caught up in all that had to be done there, rather than the more important things in life.
Wow...what a difference 1 1/2 years makes! I can hardly put into words how much our lives have improved since then. Back then, fun times consisted of an impromptu lunch with the girls at work or a special little day trip with the girls. Now each day is filled with joy even if I'm sitting home sick! Six months ago we took a HUGE leap of faith and followed God's call to leave the church we were at and move out onto the unknown path. That obedience has lead to the greatest joy for our family. We are at an AMAZING church, I mean truly AMAZING! I can't say it enough! The Holy Spirit is alive and active there and the church is experiencing an ongoing revival. We've talked with friends that have gone there for many years and they've said it's always been like that. I think the reason is that it's such a healthy church that is bringing new people to Christ EVERY Sunday. Not to mention that over just 3 weekends, nearly 1000 people have gone public with their faith and have been baptized. Pastor Jeff, an awesome Evangelist, speaks directly from scripture and consistently carries out whatever the Holy Spirit asks of Him. Although its a big church, I've never experienced such a great Christian community in my life. The church is filled with people who truly care about each other and advancing the Kingdom of God.
Because of this obedience to God, we no longer move through life like we're just going through the motions. Our hearts are now filled with the joy that God created us for. Our daughters are experiencing this too. It's so awesome to see them grow in Christ and experience the happiness that we are experiencing too. For the first time in their lives, especially K, the girls are in a community that they feel fully accepted, loved and cared for. They are intentional with spending time in praise to God and beginning to live with the joy that we've always prayed for them. I know for J and me, our relationship, which has always been strong, is now even stronger. Our friendships are stronger and life is just good!
I wonder if my cousins will notice. I wonder if they'll notice that for the first time in my life, I feel that I'm REALLY living with purpose. Many of my friends around me that are part of my "everyday life" have already told me that they see the changes. They've noticed that my face shines brighter and my spirit is content. I praise God for these changes in my ENTIRE family. God created us to live with joy and in relationship with Him. I believe we are living that purpose!
The Truth About "That" Boy
14 years ago