Sunday, February 1, 2009

There seems to be a teenager in the house...

I've known since the birth of my daughters that some day there was going to be a lot of drama in the house once the hormones started, but I didn't think it would start at age 11! What is with Kiley's new attitude? She is so dramatic and we never know if we're going to get Happy Kiley or Moody Kiley. The only good part of it is that if Moody Kiley makes an appearance, we know that a little while later she'll be back to Happy Kiley. Just this evening she was all up in arms about what to wear to school tomorrow. Jeans were out of the question. There was no negotiating, she will only wear them on Wednesdays (where did that come from). After 20 minutes of arguing, we finally agreed on some sparkly jeans that "don't feel like jeans" but look like something Hannah Montana would wear. She made sure that she let me know that she still wasn't happy about it though. About 10 minutes later she came running up to me to give me a big hug and say she loves me. Ah....suddenly the argument over the jeans doesn't seem too bad, but how does her mood change so quickly? The scary part is that this is just the beginning! Not only that, it will be multiplied by 2! Lord help us all... I can hear my mother now, "It's payback time!"

1 comment:

  1. Just know that you're not alone in this....
