Sunday, February 8, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies for Sale!

Well I never thought I'd see the day! As the first round of Girl Scout Cookie Sales comes to a close, Kiley is working the phone to call all those last minute
people that want to place orders. Now an 11 year old calling people to ask them to buy cookies might not seem like much to you, but if you know K's personality, you know that she has come a LONG way! This is our shy little girl that wouldn't even look people in the face, especially if it was someone that was "seasoned" (AKA "old") and of the male species (and if you were male and old....just forget about it). At least we have these moments to reflect on when someone sticks out their hand to K to shake and she puts her head down and curls into us, and remember that she has grown A LOT. We still haven't reached the "crazy for boys" stage, but that is fine with us! It's hard enough for a young girl in upper elementary school to figure out friends, drama, moodiness and the ever changing body without having boys added to the picture too. Kiley, you make us proud!

There was another event this weekend that the girls find worthy of mentioning and that is Thumper's 4th birthday. I actually think the girls were more excited about Thumper's birthday than mine just a couple of days before! Let's just say that "Happy Birthday Thumper" were the first words out of their mouths in the morning on the cat's birthday and "Happy Birthday Mom" wasn't said until just before "what's for breakfast?" It does make J and I happy just to see them finding joy in the little things in life, like the cat's birthday. In honor of Thumper, a very off beat tune of "Happy Birthday to You" was sung and presents of little yarn balls filled with catnip and tuna treats were enjoyed by Thumper and the other pets too.

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